| 1. | The sky was blue, the larks was soaring high over the green corn . 长天一片澄蓝,碧绿的庄稼上云雀凌空穿飞。 |
| 2. | The young green corn spread smoothly over the fields, and the trees burst into leaf a month before time . 绿油油的麦苗平展地盖满了田野,树木也提前一个月抽出叶芽。 |
| 3. | He came to doctor our mare when she ate green corn and swelled up most as big as the water-tank . 有一次,我们的母马吃玉蜀黍穗太多,肚胀得象个水箱,他还去给她治病呢。 |
| 4. | Facing nikolay on the opposite side was a field of green corn , and there stood his huntsman , alone in a hollow behind a nut bush 尼古拉对面有一片绿色植物,他的猎人只身站在那一片榛子灌木林后的洼地里。 |
| 5. | There was sheds made out of poles and roofed over with branches , where they had lemonade and gingerbread to sell , and piles of watermelons and green corn and such - like truck 那里的棚子是用竿子搭的架,树枝盖的顶,出售柠檬水和姜饼以及青皮的嫩玉米一类东西。 |
| 6. | A moment later he heard from the ravine the cry that they were on the scent of a fox , and all the pack joining together made for the opening towards the green corn away from nikolay 它们时而停止嗥叫,时而又开始追赶。一分钟以后,孤林里传来追逐狐狸的叫声,整整一群猎犬聚集在一起,离开尼古拉,沿着沟岔朝绿荫方向追去。 |
| 7. | He saw the whippers - in in their red caps galloping along the edge of the overgrown ravine ; he could see the dogs even , and was every instant expecting the fox to come into sight on the further side among the green corn 他看见几个头戴红帽子的看守猎犬的猎人沿着长满幼林的峡谷边沿疾驰,甚至还看见猎犬,他时刻等待狐狸从那边的绿荫中出现。 |
| 8. | The huntsman standing in the hollow started off and let his dogs go , and nikolay saw the red , uncouth - looking fox hurrying along close to the ground , with its bushy tail , through the green corn . the dogs bore down on it 那个站在洼地里的猎人开始出动了,他放出几只猎犬,尼古拉看见一只毛红很短小形状古怪的狐狸,这只狐狸擦挲着尾巴上的毛,沿着翠绿色的田野急急忙忙地迅跑。 |
| 9. | They drove through a muddy village , by threshing floors , and patches of green corn ; down hill by a drift of snow still lying near the bridge , up hill along a clay road hollowed out by the rain , by strips of stubble - field , with copse turning green here and there ; and drove at last into a birch forest that lay on both sides of the road 他们驶过了渡口,即是他和皮埃尔一年前在那里谈话的渡口。他们驶过了肮脏的村庄打谷场绿荫下坡路桥边的积雪一层粘土已被冲洗的上坡路一段段茬地有的地方已经发绿的灌木林,驶进了沿着道路两旁蔓生的白桦树林。 |